Come just as you are.
We're a community of real people. We have imperfect messy lives, but we are pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus and with each other. Everybody is welcome here whatever your story, your questions, doubts, or struggles. We’re striving to do life together in community, being intentional about our growth as people, serving one another, and serving our local communities. We want to invite you to our Sunday Service at 10:30am and to experience our community of Jesus-followers authentically engaging the God we love!
Time and Place
We meet at 2677 Highway 41 in Griffin, Georgia.
10:30 AM in the Worship Center
We meet in our Worship Center with a casual setting for guests and members
Nursery is provided for newborn - 3 years.
Berean Kids Church is provided for 4 years - 5th grade.
You can also join us LIVE online on our Facebook page HERE at 10:30 AM.