Give through Berean

We don’t give to a church,
We give through a church  

At Berean, we are passionate about advancing the gospel in our community and around the world! As you invest financially in God’s work through Berean, your generosity has an eternal impact.

Giving through Berean

At Berean we profess that our God owns everything and He provides according to His steadfast will and plan. We encourage members of Berean to live lives that are abundantly generous and sacrificial. Through giving regularly, joyfully, and sacrificially we remind ourselves and demonstrate to others the truth of the gospel of Christ – that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most generous gift ever given. When we give as Christ gave, we joyfully become poor for the sake of others, we recognize Christ as supreme in our lives, we place reliance on him to provide our needs, and we can begin to remove the idol of money and consumerism from our hearts.

If mailing checks

If you are sending your giving via check in the mail, please use the following address:

Berean Baptist Church
2677 Highway 41
Griffin, GA 30224

Why Generosity?

 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Giving at Berean is defined as “grace-giving from willing hearts”—never pressured. Though God could never need our money, He graciously invites us to invest in His purposes to reach unbelieving hearts. We give because He has first given us His own Son. He provides for our needs and invites us to steward His gifts well. As we are generous through the local church, we are investing in the kingdom of Jesus Christ and His work in transforming the hearts of people!


How do I give to the mission of Berean?

There are several ways to worship through giving at Berean:

Option #1 - Sunday Worship Gatherings: Each Sunday, as part of our corporate worship, we joyfully respond to God’s generosity towards us by placing checks or cash in the offering boxes located on the back wall of our Worship Center.

Option #2: Online Bill Pay: This is a good option because there is no fee and it happens automatically. Use your bank’s bill pay feature to set up recurring donations at no charge to Berean or you. Your bank’s online banking system should be able to guide you through this process. Donations should be made payable to: Berean Baptist Church, 2677 Highway 41, Griffin, GA 30224.

Option #3: Give Online via Bank Transfer or Credit Card Transaction: Click Here to Give Online using our safe and secure donations page.

What can I give towards?

You can give to the mission and vision of Berean through our General Fund or you can give toward a specific event or mission trip. Donations are 100% tax-deductible. When you give to Berean’s General Fund, it is used to support the ongoing ministries and operations of the Church. All undesignated monies given to our Missions Fund goes toward the regular monthly support of our missionary partners. You can also designate your giving to our Woodlands Camp ministry. If you have additional questions on the financial oversight and management of Berean, please contact the church office.

How can I track my giving?

Year-end giving statements will be sent to each donor who gives above $250 within the calendar year. These statements will be sent via the mailing address associated with your donation by January 31st of the following year.

What are the guidelines of financial management at Berean?

The Trustees and Deacons of Berean oversee and lead the church in the management of our finances. They review and analyze regular budgets and financial statements in an effort to support the mission of our Church and present them at our quarterly business meetings for our congregation's approval. Our desire is to safeguard the church’s financial resources, protect the reputation of the Church, and be transparent with financial data presented.

We also maintain strict confidentiality about our donors and do not sell or make available this information without prior permission of the donors, except where disclosure is required by law.

Why should I give?

At Berean, we believe that everything we see and everything we have is owned by our God and He provides according to His steadfast will and plan. (1 Chronicles 29.10-19, Psalm 24.1-2, Psalm 50.10-11).

We desire to encourage each follower of Christ to prayerfully consider and evaluate what God the Father, through the Spirit, is calling them to give. Giving generously should be an active and intentional piece of our regular worship and service to Jesus. Our aim is to be Christlike in our generosity – ‘that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.’ The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most generous gift ever given – when the King of Glory gave up everything in order to reconcile us to God. When this Gospel takes root in our lives, we joyfully give sacrificially of our lives to enrich the lives of others. In so doing, we remind ourselves, and demonstrate to others, the great generosity of our abundantly good God. (2. Corinthians 8.9-10, 2 Corinthians 9.7).

Additionally, we see in scripture numerous teaching for each believer in regards to money. Scripture provides encouragement so that we can:

  • Give cheerfully and joyfully – demonstrating an overflowing of love for our God (2 Corinthians 9.7)

  • Give our first fruits – meaning we give of our best and also that we give so that we rely on God to provide the remainder of our needs (Deuteronomy 26.2, Proverbs 3.9)

  • Give humbly – not looking for praise but seeking eternal rewards. (Matthew 6.2)

  • Give regularly – to remind ourselves of His provision to us continually. (1 Corinthians 16.2)

  • Give sacrificially – so we reflect the way Christ gave to us. (2 Corinthians 8.9-10) In addition to encouraging us, Scripture warns us of the many pitfalls of money:

Money, or riches, can easily become an idol. We can too easily rely on our resources to feel secure or provide an identity for us. The lure of money attracts us in a variety of ways – whether it is the perceived safety net it provides, the power it can bring, or the material things it can buy. (Matthew 6.19-24, Luke 16.10-13, 1 Timothy 6.10, Ecclesiastes 5.10-12) How we practically manage, spend, give or save our money can potentially expose these idols and help break their hold over our hearts. (Luke 16.10-13)

We believe that as Christ-followers we are called to financially support our local church. In addition, God calls us to demonstrate mercy & compassion through our giving. (2 Chronicles 31.4, Deuteronomy 26.12, 1 Corinthians 9.8-14, 1 Timothy 5.17-18, Luke 8.1-3, Isaiah 58.6-12, Deuteronomy 26.12, 2 Corinthians 8-9).

“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”

— 2 Corinthians 9:6-7