What in the World is Going On?

Unless you have your head in the sand or live under a rock, you are fully aware that there are changes going on around us on multiple levels. That said, what are we to do? How are we to live in light of what we read in the paper, see on the news, and listen to on the radio? I’m thankful that in addition to God’s Word having answers for every one of man’s problems, but it also gives us a hope for the future so that we can navigate these uncharted waters with confidence and assurance as we set our eyes on the truth found in the Scriptures.

We shouldn’t live in fear.

First and foremost, we must not be fearful people. Paul was writing to Timothy to admonish him as a young church leader and encouraged him with these words: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Take heart, my friend, those words aren’t for Timothy alone, they are for you and me too! The next time you turn on the news or get a news notification to read of the next big headline, remind yourself of 2 Timothy 1:7.

It’s remarkable to consider this, but you and I may have been given front row seats to some of the greatest prophetic writings in all of Scripture. It surely appears that much of what was prophesied to take place before Christ returns has been completed and all the pieces are moving into position for the Anti-Christ to take the stage and for God to call the His children home.

The task is great and time is short.

Before you get too excited to be on your way to heaven, I do want to remind you that there are countless untold millions who are lost in the utter darkness of sin and bound by its grip. The only thing that can bring true release and freedom is the Good News of the Gospel—that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again in victory over sin and death.

You see, we need not fear because there is a BIG job to do. Jesus told us in John 4:35, “Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” While we are waiting, while we read of wars and rumors of wars, while we wonder what the future holds, we have our command. We must be going and making disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), because we have no idea when the final trumpet will sound.

If there’s one thing that is more clear today than ever it is this: the need for the Gospel is all around us. You don’t have to cross an ocean and learn another language to go and make disciples, you need to busy doing so while you’re on your way to pick up groceries and getting your oil changed. Time is short, and eternity is forever!

We must be people of prayer.

When you study through the Scriptures and notice the people that God used in places that were unfavorable to God-followers, what you find are people that were committed to prayer. At the end of the day, it’s not easy standing up to a political machine or putting your life on the line for your beliefs. Yet, I believe when we approach these days that we live in with confidence that God has given us the power, love and sound mind to endure; that time is short and we must be making investments for eternity; and we must be people who understand that it is not by our power or might, but by His and so we must be people of prayer.

The best illustration I can think of in Scripture of a person who was committed to prayer regardless of the political climate about him or the circumstances where we lived is Daniel. Daniel’s life is marked by faithfulness over and over again, yet we must not forget that Daniel lived in what could very well be one of the most anti-God societies in all of human history. How did Daniel do it? I think the secret was prayer. His prayer life fueled his faith-life.

The next time you think to yourself, “What in the world is going on?” take heart, God is in control. Nothing is happening that is beyond His sovereignty, even when it makes absolutely no sense. Instead, be reminded that we have nothing to fear, that time is short to make an impact for eternity, and that we must be people who are committed to the power of prayer. Be faithful, be committed, be determined, and be watching until the trumpet sounds!


Knowing His Heart


Don’t Just Stand There, Do Something