Simplicity Starts from Within
Jesus illustrated for his first century listeners, and us today, that the most important thing is not what is outside of us, but what is inside.
The Golden Calf
Idolatry isn’t a problem that is unique to ancient people living in ancient cultures. Idolatry is alive and well today and we must be willing to see it in our own lives and call it out for what it is.
Qualities of the Blessed Life
The life that is blessed is the one who follows the teachings of Jesus, even when they don’t make sense.
The Laws of Life
The Law is given not to deliver us from bondage, but to show us we could never deliver ourselves.
Attention: This Video has a blank spot near the end, but does continue for the rest of the service and announcements!
Let’s Keep It Simple
Christ calls us to simplicity in faith. The Christ-life is not easy, but it is simple.
Together At The Table
The Lord’s Supper is a family meal. It is a reminder to us that Christ has taken us, in all of our diversity, and placed us on equal footing before Him. There is only one true bread from Heaven and all who believe in Him are one body.
A Battle With Amalek
Our victory in the wilderness comes through God’s strength as we act in dependence on Him. The ultimate goal in life is never independence from God, but rather dependence on God.
Helping Others Reach Their Full Potential For God
God put you here to help others reach their full potential for Him. It’s time for commitment. Get in the battle for helping others reach their full potential for God!
Bread of Life
In the difficult places of life, God desires that we learn to trust Him in our now! He is our limitless supply in as we walk through the wilderness.
Potential Building Principles for Everyday
We must learn to take practical steps everyday that lead us into a better understanding of reaching our fullest potential for God.
Bitter Waters at Marah
God used the bitter waters at Marah to expose the bitterness in the hearts of the Israelites and give them a glimpse of the grace found in His heart.
Making Your Faith Foolproof
The Apostle Paul gives warnings to help us avoid pitfalls that will trip us up along our journey of faith. Applying this practical truths help us to walk in wisdom instead of foolishness.
Salvation in the Wilderness
God doesn’t show up to rescue His people from the wilderness but to deliver them in the wilderness.
Pre-Requisites for Reaching Your Full Potential for God
There are things that we can do to help us become more like the person that God desires us to be resulting in a life full of peace and joy as we fulfill the purpose for which we were created.
Grace and Truth
Jesus Christ came in grace and truth and as His image-bearers we must seek to be like Him and live His grace and truth out in this world where we live.
A hallmark of being a Christ-follower is unity amongst the brethren. With Christ indwelling believers, we must be united together regardless of political or popular persuasion. Our unity is secured in the Word of God.