The Big Decision
We hear a lot of talk about discipleship, in Jesus’ parable He reminds us that talk is cheap and we must be ready to truly count the cost.
The Good Samaritan
It seems everyone wants to know what is expected of them so they can meet the minimum, yet in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan we learn that it goes far beyond.
The Rich Fool
What God values and what the world values are not the same. Come learn from Jesus as he tells us what is most important in the parable of the rich fool.
Why Does Evil Exist?
Since the beginning of time man has been asking the same question: “Why does evil exist?” Join Evangelist Brent Gellos in helping us to find answers and make peace with one of life’s most difficult questions.
The Handwriting on the Wall
God takes the prophet Jeremiah on a field trip to the potter’s house to teach him truths that apply both to Israel then and to us today.