There are erroneous beliefs about God and Christianity that have snuck their way into modern church culture, and these popular phrases or ways of thinking are in direct conflict with what scripture actually teaches. We are going to look at different phrases the Bible doesn’t actually say, comparing them to what the Bible actually does say.
What you believe is of utmost importance! You can believe something sincerely, and be sincerely wrong. What do you believe? Because it matters.
Joy is the fruit and holiness is the root. God would rather you be holy than happy.
Jesus came to bring us abundant life and live it to its fullest. We cannot do that unless we do as Jesus teaches here: to judge rightly. If we apply His teaching first to ourselves, before ever applying it to others, we can experience life to its fullest as He has designed.
God doesn’t make everything happen, but can weave His purpose into everything that happens.
We are not called to merely help ourselves, we are called to receive God’s help and humbly serve others.
God will sometimes allow more than you can handle, not to crush you, but so that He can draw you into His presence and allow you to experience His power.